Monday, October 19, 2009

[quote of the day]

"You have to learn to love yourself
before you can truly love others
or you'll never be truly loved,
for only those who love themselves
will appreciate the meaning of love
and no one can ever love you more
than you do."

-Afiq Shahrim Abdul Rahim

* took me a while to put those words together so they make sense.


alia kha. said...

i think the greatest battle of all is to love yourself despite ongoing criticism from your loved ones.

TwiceBlessedMan said...

different people will certainly have different approach toward showing and sharing their love and it depends on how much they were loved and how much they love themselves too.
but each criticism has to be viewed and evaluated anyhow because that's how they see us from their point of view. wrong or right isn't the issue.