Wednesday, October 28, 2009

why are you here?

why am I here?
what am I looking for?
soalan yg aku tak boleh jwb utk korg.
but as far as I'm concern,
you are here to read what's left to be read.
kalau tak, kau takkan bukak tab baru utk sebuah 'blog kosong'.
but really..
why am I here?
what am I looking for?
today is just another day.
another rainy day.
no simulator session was scheduled.
so tinggal aku dgn buku.
bile buku mula jemu dgn aku,
aku cari facebook,
facebook pun mula bosan,
aku cari blogspot.
macam tu ke hidup?
bile takde mutual understanding,
kite akan cari benda baru.
kalau tak baru least something else.
mungkin bile mula terbang sepenuh masa,
aku akan kurang berfikir pasal benda kecik mcm ni.
skrg byk benda kecik yg nampak sgt besar.
padahal byk lagi benda kena pikir.
itu baru masalah sendiri.
belum lagi sentuh masalah dunia.
what's happening to the world today?
semlm aku lepak sambil siapkan documents.
aku belajar byk pasal seeting up an NGO.
aku rasa aku tak menyumbang apa-apa pada dunia.
so I thought of setting up an NGO to create awareness.
especially among youth.
about child trafficking.
tiap hari kite nampak budak-budak,
datang mintak sedelah.
to give or not to give.
kite tau duit tu akan sampai kat sindiket.
kalau tak bagi,
the kid will go back empty handed and gets punished for that.
so what do we do?
ini yg aku nak tau. ini yg aku nak buat.
it hit me real hard when I realize that i'm responsible for all this.
I fly the plane in and out the country,
without realizing that I'm transporting those criminals.
dieorg kluar masuk negara buat 'business'
bwk masuk innocent kids to be exploited.
itu yg kite nampak. yg kite tak nampak?
yg masuk dgn tongkang? kapal haram?
something needs to be done.
kite kena jadi watchdog.
kena jadi an authorized body to take action.
nak harap polis semata? polis pun makan rasuah.
inshaAllah aku akan guna masa yg aku ade.
utk siapkan paperwork.
besides preparing myself for simulator,
aku cume perlu membaca.
dan bile aku tak membaca, aku bole siapkan paperwork itu.
my target is to get young people to join the cause.
save a child a day.
cukup kan?
setahun 365 kids can be saved.
I think this is why I'm here.
and this is what I'm looking for.
will you help?


~ aBBy ~ said...

great idea! so, ble nk mule? who do u wanna recruit in the organisation?

TwiceBlessedMan said...

inshaAllah...baru nak start working on the i said,i'm targetting youth mainly.

~ aBBy ~ said...

ok all the best! niat yg baik insyaAllah akan dipermudahkn